Looking for some deep breathing exercises to teach the kids? Try this fall themed technique!! t's just one of many techniques that can be helpful for kids to cope with anxiety.

Benefits of deep breathing include:

  • helping to reduce anxiety and stress

  • helping to reduce pain sensation

  • improving concentration

I think we all know that convincing a child to simply stop and breathe deep in the middle of a meltdown is not easy. Studies show that using a visual cue is very useful in teaching kids deep breathing techniques and strategies, especially when they can trace their finger around the shape as a way to keep them grounded.

This fall leaf breathing exercise is a twist on star breathing where you trace around a star while you breathe in and out, over and over. But obviously substitute a colorful leaf for the star.

The technique is pretty straightforward to do and can be great for kids and adults of any age to learn!

As for how to do the actual deep breathing technique, simply trace the leaf and follow the instructions. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Repeat.

I hope this technique is useful for you and your kiddos! Until next time!! Lots of love and light from me to you and yours.

Namaste— Cassy

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