Welcome to Spark Hot Yoga Marysville! It is our hope that everyone feels welcome in our space. Whether you’re starting your yoga journey or ready to take your practice to the next level, we offer a wide variety of yoga classes and teachers to suite everyone’s needs.
We’re conveniently located next to Bartels and Altitude Jump Park in the Allen Creek Plaza. Our studio amenities include:
Ample parking
Spacious lobby and yoga boutique, featuring products from Beyond Yoga, Manduka, Liforme, Spiritual Gangster, and more.
Men and women’s restrooms, including showers.
Heated practice space with infrared heating. Heated to between 101 and 105, the temperature is designed to help - not hinder - your practice.
Studio doors are open 30 minutes prior to class start, you’re welcome to come in warm up and zen out prior to practice. After practice enjoy your savasana there is always a minimum of 30 minutes between classes so take your time.
We look forward to seeing you on the mat!
Chuck & Kami
Chuck and Kami have been involved in the Northwest yoga scene since 2006…
…first as students, then instructors, and eventually yoga studio owners. Although their stories of coming to yoga are very different they have one thing in common, yoga changed their lives and they knew it was their purpose to share it with others.
In 2012 after a successful 9-year career as massage therapists Chuck and Kami took the plunge and opened their first yoga studio. Their goal was to create a hot yoga studio that welcomed all people regardless of their age, size, ethnicity, or economic status. After five challenging yet rewarding years, they decided to take their journey in another direction and thus Best Bet Yoga Teacher Training was born. In the back of their minds, they knew if owning another studio was in their future it would fall into their laps.
In 2018, just six months after they completed the sale of their first studio, the opportunity to rejuvenate Spark Hot Yoga Marysville did just that - fell into their laps. Although hesitant at first, they knew the universe just handed them something special and they couldn’t say no. Today they couldn’t be happier with the decision they made.
When not in the studio Chuck and Kami can be found wrangling their two rambunctious children, traveling the world, or cheering for the Seahawks.