July has arrived so that means it is finally summer in PNW! Since my kids have been out of school for 4 months already and the weather has been so hit or miss, they have been a little too reliant on their screen time to provide their summer entertainment.

So today I am going to share some cool (pun intended) summer activities to get your kids outdoors and away from their electronics. With just a few supplies, you can make this a summer to remember!

Ice Bowling


  • food coloring

  • water balloons

  • water bottles

  • water

To make the frozen bowling ball fill up water balloons and put them in the freezer overnight.   For added fun you can add drops of food coloring to the balloon before filling.  Let the balloon freeze over night. The next day remove the balloon to reveal your frozen bowling ball. Fill up the water bottles with water. Again add some food coloring for flair! Set up the water bottle pins and then role the frozen ball down the lane!

Make a Giant Slip and Slide

Check out All Things Thrifty for plans to create your very own giant slip and slide.

Frozen Excavation

Freeze dollar store toys in varying weights in a large container of water. Challenge kids to find the toys by chipping away at the ice with a hammer. To release ice from the container, you may need to submerge the container in a sink of hot water for a few seconds. Tip: Avoid injury by having your kids wear safety glasses.

Make sidewalk paint

Combine 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup cornstarch in a blender, and blend on low speed until smooth. Transfer to a plastic bowl and stir in 12 drops of food coloring. Use paintbrushes and sponges to decorate the sidewalk. The paint washes away with water.

Water Balloon Pinatas

Paging Fun Mums outlines a super fun activity using water balloons as pinatas.

I hope you enjoy some or all of these fun and cool summer activities!!

Namaste- Cassy