The yoga sequence I put together for this week’s blog is inspired by the benefits of Power Posing. Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist demonstrates through her research that “power posing,” or holding a posture that appears confident even when you don’t actually feel that way, can have a tremendous positive ripple effect.
So what exactly is a power pose you ask? A Power Pose is a physical expression of confidence, specifically related to posture. A power pose might involve raising or opening your arms, moving your hands away from your body or opening yourself up to the full extent. Picture Wonder Woman, Superman, or pretty much any super hero you can think of.
The opposite of a power pose is making yourself smaller. It could be crossing your legs or arms, hunching over, holding your elbows, or generally closing up your body as if you were afraid of taking up space.
Cuddy’s research on posture reveals that holding these poses can literally alter your hormones. Specifically, one can experience a significant increase dominance hormones (testosterone) and reduction in stress hormones (cortisol). As a result, people of all ages demonstrate increased willingness to take risks, boosted confidence, and better performance in demanding situations.
Cuddy has received feedback from athletes, surgeons, politicians, elementary school students, victims of bullying, people with physical and mental disabilities, that adopting a confident pose generates feelings of self-assurance almost instant.
From my personal experience teaching power poses to kids, I have noticed an immediate positive energy shift (especially when I encourage big smiles!!)
The most important aspect of this sequence is to have fun!! It’s not about getting the perfect pose or proper alignment. It is about filling up space and being comfortable,happy and confident in your body!! Also this sequence is great for all ages!
“Our bodies change our minds, our minds change our behavior, and our behavior changes our outcomes.” - Amy Cuddy
Mountain pose
Starting in mountain pose, anchor into your body. Starting on your feet and moving upward. As you make adjustments, your body will attain a strong, active posture. Lift the chest and open the hands wide. BIG SMILES!!
INHALE!!! Reach hands over head and reach your arms up high opening your hands wide (think spirit fingers here) BIG SMILES!!! Reach reach reach arms strong and wide, separate feet wide!
Don’t be afraid to have fun here! There are no rules. Maybe add in some jumping jacks or spin around!
Forward fold
Simply fold forward and release hands to the mat. Allow for some time here to stretch into the hamstrings and find some movement.
Step back into downward facing dog. If you decide to go through this sequence a second and third time, encourage jumping back to downward facing dog!!
Cobra Pose!! Drop down onto your knees, belly, chin and chest, press your hands into the mat and lift your chest up as you drop hips down!! Open your heart here and feel pride!
Press back up to downward facing dog!!
From downward facing dog step forward with the right leg first into CRESCENT LUNGE!!!! Arms out wide and high!!! SMILE!!!
From your Chair pose fold forward again and go through the sequence again, this time starting with the left side!!
HAVE FUN!!! This sequence is energizing and fun. Go through as many times as you like!
I hope you enjoy this sequence! I know my family had a blast!
Namaste— Cassy