Hi Friends! It has been very exciting to be teaching in the studio again! I love seeing all of the familiar faces as well as some new faces at the studio!! Since we haven’t been able to integrate the family yoga classes back yet, today I have decided to round up some of my favorite family friendly yoga poses. This routine is a great way to exercise together as a family and a really fun bonding experience with your kids!

This family-friendly yoga routine is super fun and easy. It is not only a great way to stretch and exercise, but it helps everyone relax and spend quality time together. As we know yoga is so beneficial for the mind and the body, and it’s great when you can pass that on to your kids.

Plus, this is an awesome opportunity to help teach the kiddos some lifelong healthy habits!

You can do this routine at home or outdoors. All you need is a yoga mat or two and some free space.

Partner seated forward fold

Forward folds are a the perfect way to calm the mind!

Come to a comfortable seat facing your partner. Extend your legs long while your partner also sends legs long. You should be able to have your feet pushing into your partner’s feet. Reach forward to grab your partner’s hands. Your partner will gently pull you toward them and then you alternate pulling your partner toward you. This is a great stretch for your hamstrings, upper back, shoulders while it also strengthens your core!

Partner Twist

Twists are a great moment to slow down and breathe together!

Come to a comfortable seat facing your partner and smile! Both partners lift your left hand to the sky. Reach your lifted arm across your body and rest it on your knee.

Both Partners reach your right hand behind your back and around to the front for your partner’s left hand as you twist slightly to the right.

Take a deep breath in as you sit up tall, then breathe out as you twist deeper to the right while holding hands. Release and try it on the other side.

Partner Boat

Partner Boat pose is a core strengthener and builds trust as you balance together.

Face your partner, sitting with your knees bent in and your toes touching. Grab on to your partners wrists. Keep your feet glued to your partners, and Slowly use your core muscles to lift up one foot to eye-level. Lift the second foot to meet it, keeping your knees glued together. Sit up tall and thank your partner!

Partner chair pose

Partner chair pose is also a core strengthener/trust builder that is a built on the boat pose entry.

Face your partner, sitting with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Both partners need to work together to come up into chair, both leaning back and driving through the heals, keeping the knees bent.

Shooting Star

Shooting star is an awesome stretch for the hamstrings, and when you reach over your head with the arms you will feel a side body stretch as well.

Sit next to your partner (side by side with feet aligned) and extend out your inside legs (so together they are like 1 big leg.) Bend the other knee and place the bottom of your foot into your inner thigh.

Reach our inside arm long and grab for your partner’s toes.Extend your other arm to the sky and hold your partners hand. Tip your arms and upper body towards your toes and enjoy the stretch.

Resting Dog

In this pose, each partner gets a different stretch. The seated partner gets an assisted hip opener and the partner in Downward Dog will feel a lengthening in the back of the body — it’s a 2-for-1! Sit across from each other in butterfly pose — soles of your feel glued together and knees open wide out to the side. Partner A will come onto their knees and place their hands on Partner B’s thighs, then lift their hips into Downward Dog. Partner B brings both hands to their forehead, and rests their head on Partner A’s back. Take a few deep breaths, release, and switch roles if possible.

Partner Candles

Our core is so important for strength and balance, this pose will give you and your yogis an ab workout!

Sit next to your partner, facing each other with your knees bent and feet on the floor.

Roll Down onto your back and grab hold of your partners hands.

Extend your legs up to the sky.

Using your core and stomach muscles, lift your hips up into the air and over to the other side of your partner. (You are both switching sides at the same time)

Slowly lower your hips down onto the ground- And don’t let go of their hands!

Keep your legs straight and slowly lower them down to the floor.

When your feet touch the floor, bend your knees and plant your feet on the floor- ready to start again!

I hope you get an opportunity to practice some or all of these poses with your family!! Let me know what you think in the comments section. I am happy to add on more advanced poses in future blogs.

Love and Light —Cassy