Guest blog post by Janette Johnson

It officially Summer! Which means sunshine (hopefully!), popsicles and family vacations. Speaking of vacations, I’m happy to be filling in for Cassy this week as she and her family enjoy a road trip to Montana.

And speaking of road trips…that’s the kid’s yoga topic this week: Safety First! Buckle up this summer.

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Ask my kids and they will tell you I’m a huge stickler for safety and rules. (I could write the longest blog post ever on the importance of helmets when riding bikes, scooters, skateboard, roller skates, etc.). But today it’s all about buckling up in the car as we get ready to hit the road and head to the beach.

This yoga warm-up is one I often use for preschool (3-5 year olds) yoga classes before we head off on an adventure to the beach, the zoo, the safari, space, etc. The idea is to instill early on that the first thing we do when we get into a car is fasten our seat belts. The adventure can’t start until EVERYONE buckles up.

You will need a paper or plastic plate for this. Or a frisbee works great too. Sunglasses and a small squirt bottle with water are fun props too - especially if you are headed to the beach, which is our destination for this exercise.

Pretend to open the car door and everyone take a seat. For two or more children, sit in a circle/half circle with legs extended or for one-on-one scenarios, sit facing each other with legs extended. Then, one at a time, have each child (and yourself) reach across their shoulder and “pull” the seat belt down until it goes click - you’ll know it’s fastened when each participant says, shouts, or whispers: click!

Then sunglasses can go on and we grab our steering wheels/plates/frisbees. Extend your arms out long and practice turning the wheel right and left. Then step on the gas and press on the brake by pointing and flexing your right foot (gas) and left foot (brake). This can become a fun game by going faster and faster and faster between the two ‘pedals’.

If you have the space, you can drive your car around the room by scooting along the floor on your bottom. You can even look out the window as you do so and ask if your little yogis see things you would see on your way to the beach: stop signs, cross walks, parking spots, the ocean, clouds, etc.

When you arrive at the beach, reverse the seatbelt exercise before anyone exits the car.

Now that you have safely arrived at the beach, have everyone put sunscreen on so no one gets sun burnt! Call out body parts and pretend to rub lotion into them starting with the forehead, cheeks, nose, ears and then move down the arms and legs.

This is a good time to put your favorite beach tunes on as you string some of these yoga postures together:

  • Half Moon - Stretch to each side and reach for the sun.

  • Warrior II - Surf’s up! Pretend you are on a surf board balancing on a wave.

  • Tree - Be a palm tree swaying form side to side in the ocean breeze.

  • Wheel or Bridge - Pretend you are a sand castle and have your little one crawl underneath your wheel or bridge.

  • Reverse Table Top - Walk around on your hands and feet like busy crabs at the beach.

  • Cobra - Practice swimming in the ocean by laying down on your belly and doing the crawl stroke. Don’t forget to kick!

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  • Savasana - Lay in the sun and soak up the rays! Talk about the sounds you’d hear at the beach or play an ocean waves meditation song. While they are in savasana or in a final seated position, grab the squirt bottle of water and spray a light mist above them to cool them down and to emulate the ocean’s mist.

When you are done - don’t forget to pack everything up! Head back to the car for the drive home and….

…buckle up!

Wishing you a safe and fun-filled summer,