Screen time has nothing on these awesome yoga games for your kiddos!!! We all know that it’s super important to get our kids moving and active. Playing yoga games is one way to do that!! So next time your kids say they are bored, get them up and moving while playing these fun games!

Body Shapes

Draw a shape on a whiteboard or a piece of paper and everyone must try to make that shape with their body. This can be done individually, in pairs, or in small groups. A fun challenge in pairs or groups is to see if they can make the shape while working together silently. Good figures to use are circles, lines, and certain letters.

Pose Challenge

This game will help children realize how all of their body parts have advantages and can make them stronger. Call out two different body parts that should be touching the floor or yoga mat and have them show that pose. For example “Two hands/Two Feet” could mean the children could show down dog, plank, cat, cow, standing forward fold, or a new pose that they invent. There are no wrong poses. It is just a fun way to get your body moving in different ways.

Mirror Mirror

Choose one partner to go first. The first partner will slowly move through a sequence of yoga poses or movements while the other person mimics the movements. After a couple of minutes switch roles so the other person takes the lead.

Yogi Says

One person is the designated Yogi, the others are the players. Standing in front of the group, the Yogi calls out yoga poses for the rest of the players to do. However, the players must only do poses that begin with “Yogi says.”

If the Yogi says, “Yogi says tree pose” then players must try to balance in tree pose. But, if the Yogi says, “Cat pose!” the other players shouldn’t move. Any players that move into cat pose are out.

The last player still in the game wins and becomes the next Yogi.

Try these games out, tweak them, add your own spin and have fun with them! I hope your kids love them as much as mine do!

Namaste- Cassy